#AirMedved – OurCrowd’s Jon Medved, Delivers Inspired Talk at Israel Dealmakers Summit / NYC
While I have heard and covered OurCrowd’s CEO, Jon Medved, speak at various industry conferences and events, each talk is ever so slightly different.
Jon masterfully frames his talks in historical context, provides facts and figures that supports his narrative, and leaves us all thinking about what the future ahead may bring.
Giving the opening talk at the Israel Dealmakers Summit in New York, Jon pointed five driving forces that is continuing to advance Israel as world leader in technology and innovation:
The critical mass of serial entrepreneurs who have had multiple exits.
The rise of private equity investors in Israel.
The multi-national invasion of Israel (Jon carefully points out that this is a positive “invasion”) when the likes of Apple opens its only R & D center outside of the U.S., and Intel continues to expand its research initiatives.
“Jon sees opportunities in energy, water, and food as Israel’s next great opportunity to not only make the world a better and safer place but a place that makes profits and puts people to work.”
The wave of Chinese, Korean, and Indian investments coming to Israel.
A noticeable increase in young people coming to Israel to intern and work in Israel to gain exposure into the startup world and culture. Jon openly called for people in the audience to send interns to work and learn at OurCrowd.
Solving The Problems of The World
Jon sees opportunities in energy, water, and food as Israel’s next great opportunity to not only make the world a better and safer place but a place that makes profits and puts people to work.
After his talk, Jon was off to speak at the YPO Global Edge Conference in Melbourne, Australia and then to Singapore before he returns to Israel for Passover.
As he travels the world, Jon Medved inspires us to not just be part of Israel’s startup and innovation economy, but to become story tellers in our own communities.
In doing so, we may share and tell the story of not just where Israel has been, but what lies ahead for the betterment of our planet as a whole.